The accident had reportedly taken place at about 2:30 AM Friday morning. Tiger going down his driveway and hitting a fire hydrant and a neighbor's tree. That led to a neighbor calling 911 and reporting the accident. It was initially reported that Woods' wife, Elin, broke out the rear window of the Escalade and extracted her injured husband. She used a golf club to break the window.
From there, we know nothing. Many questions have been asked, but we've gotten no answers.
Why was Tiger leaving the home so ealry of the morning? Why did his wife have a golf club? Was it really to break out the rear window? Why has the family repeatedly turned away the Florida Highway Patrol who is attempting to coduct an investigation? Was he really not wearing shoes? Oh, there are more questions. And we may never get the whole story.
One site has reported that the FHP has requested a warrant for Woods' medical recods regarding his hospital visit. FHP denies this. If this information is needed to continue their investigation, no one should have a problem with this. Again, there's a question. Does the FHP really need this info?
Woods has since cancelled playing in his own tournament, the Chevron World Challenge, which benefits the Tiger Woods Foundation. He missed the tourmey last year due to his recovery from knee surgery. He'll miss this year due to injuries he sustained in conjunction with the accident. Are you buying this?
There has been much conjecture on Woods' off the course life, too. Rumors of an affair have been shot down by the woman which he's alledged to have had the affair. Both Woods and the woman have hired high profile attorneys. These moves have prompted more questions.
Most of the comments I've read and heard about this have stated that Tiger owes us all an explanation of the events leading to the crash and any subsequent matters. It's been widely stated that his "people" have totally mishandled this situation.
But does Tiger really owes us anything? I'm not so sure he does.
As far as the general public is concerned, Tiger owes us nothing. He wants this to be a private matter. I, for one, agree. By law, all Woods has to provide to the FHP is his driver's license, the vehicle's registration and proof of insurance. He has reportedly done this.
There are some people Tiger does owe an explanation.
First, his sponsors deserve to know. They give (notice I didn't say "pay") Tiger millions of dollars a year for use of his name and his support for certain products. From video games to golf equipment to shaving products, Tiger earns a bit of coin from these people.
Those who look after the Tiger Woods Foudation. They deserve an explanation, too. These people back Woods in Tiger's continued endeavour to provide children the opportunity to have access to an education.
The same goes to those people and companies that support the Foundation through their donations. They have a right to know what happened. There's nothing wrong with making sure that the name you're supporting is a good one.
After that, Tiger owes us nothing. But the longer any type of public statement is not made, not including those issued via his website, the more that questions and rumors can evolve. There could be a lot more damage control for the Woods camp to digest.
Tiger isn't expected to play in another tournament for about two months.
Much more is to come on this in that timeframe. That's a guarantee. If nothing is revealed about that day, then many feel Tiger is fair game.
If you feel that Tiger owes us, I ask you this one question...
Would you want your life invaded like that?
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