Why? Some are of the opinion that Pearl should not have told the NCAA the truth. He should have kept lying about breaking the rules. He would still have a job if he had. Pearl gained nothing for coming forward with these truths. It all presents a moral and ethical dilemma more than anything.
I cannot believe anyone would suggest that Pearl should have kept lying. The truth will come out in the end whether you want it to or not. Ask Pete Carroll. Ask Tim Floyd. Ask Reggie Bush. Ask O.J. Mayo. Ask Mike Garrett. Nothing became of hiding and lying for USC. While the violations may not be as severe for Tennessee, you can't help but think of USC in this instance.
Or even the current plight of Ohio State football and it's head coach Jim Tressel. While it's a different matter (but it really isn't), it is being suggested that Tressel's problem was non-disclosure while Pearl lied. Not sure if I buy the difference only from this point. It is only a guess.
Now I'm reading (on Titter again) that Tressel's "failure to disclose" is the same as lying for the Buckeye bashers. Not necessarily true. Read on...
The NCAA should have questioned Tressel on the subject if he knew of the sale of items by his players. If he wasn't, then shame on the NCAA. But if he was and Tressel said no, then he's on the exact same level as Pearl. Maybe that's why we had the two-game suspension extended to five games. It does give you pause to think because the NCAA is still investigating the Buckeyes football program.
I'm not implying Tressel got a pass here, but...
I'm also not thrilled that as of yet, Tennessee AD Mike Hamilton is still employed by the university. Remember, the football team has had issues burning as well. Leftovers courtesy of Lane Kiffin. Now, the Pearl debacle. Both occurred on Hamilton's watch. Both have resulted in stains on the appropriate program involved. Wold any potential coach want to take the Volunteers job if Hamilton is still on board?
I'm not a big follower of Tennessee basketball, but Pearl made the team worth following and I'm not referring to only since the probe began. Pearl was always good from an entertainment side. He's a damn good coach, too. He brought prominence to the program and helped it achieve a #1 ranking. When time allotted, he was seen at Lady Vols games, too. Pat Summit was always more than willing to return the favor to Pearl.
I just thought of something. Bruce Pearl doesn't need Tennessee, but Tennessee still need Pearl. There are other programs that will wait to see the results of the NCAA probe into all of this. Remember, Dez Bryant lost a season of eligibility because he lied to investigators. Who am I kidding here? The NCAA is so unbalanced when it comes to doling out its punishment. You almost think Pearl will get a slap on the wrist. If he does, there will be egg on the face of his ouster.
For you Bruce Pearl fans, he will be coaching again...soon. And the program that hires him will be better off for choosing such. I honestly can't wait for that day.
For those that say he should have kept lying, I wonder where your principals are.
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