We've endures the Auburn-Cam Newton fiasco. Just the other day it was brought to light that the University of Oregon used a service in order to land a recruit...and doled out $25,000 in that process. Now, Ohio State head coach Jim Tressel is alone in the spotlight.
The Ohio State University held a media gathering last evening to which Tressel addressed issues surrounding the suspensions of five OSU players previous to the Sugar Bowl. The five were given five game suspensions and another player was levied a one game suspension. All were found to have sold memorabilia to a local tattoo parlor in exchange for "discounted" rates.
Okay. I get that part.
Then, Yahoo! Sports (the same that "exposed" the memorabilia bit) revealed yesterday that Tressel knew in April of last year that these shenanigans were happening. In last evening's presser, Tressel revealed that there were other circumstances that were involved...like an investigation by the Feds.
OSU levied a self-imposed two-game suspension and a $250,000 fine. The two games Tressel will "miss" are against Akron and Toledo.
Where to start with this...
Those that read my little blog here know that I'm a Michigan fan. That being out in the open (for those that were unaware of my college football allegiance), I have always held Tressel with extremely high regard both as a coach and a person. Not because his Buckeyes have stomped my Wovlerines butts for a decade, but there's just a quality about Tressel that is undefined to me. He has "it" would be the best way to put it.
There are two things that creates a foul air in all of this.
First, Tressel was informed of the possible wrongdoing in April (reportedly via email) and did not think to approach any of the great legal individuals, his AD or President Gee on the matter. We're talking the Feds here. I understand wanting to protect the kids. I don't understand exposing them to suspensions that could have been lessened had the info been forthright.
Second, this is reportedly coming from one source. One. It must be the utmost of credible sources for all hell to break lose in Columbus. We're talking about Jim Tressel. We're talking about the wholesome institution of Buckeye Football. We're talking about one of the country's most historic programs. (Yes, the AI pseudo rant was necessary for effect.)
Should OSU fire Tressel? The question was raised last evening and President Gee quickly shot that down. I mean quickly. Quickly might not be the correct adjective to use he shot it down so fast. The person asking Gee didn't even get a chance to finish his question! And I don't think he will be shown the door.
The NCAA will be looking into this and other potential violations now that the "cat is out of the bag".
One last bit I want to add here. When all this come out last night, there were OSU players that took to Twitter in support of Tressel. That may not have been the best road to take. Sometimes silence is golden.
And sometimes, it's not.
(Note: In case you're wondering how I came up with the title of this post, CNBC's Darren Rovell had a little "contest" last evening on Twitter on possible headlines for Columbus area papers. I submitted "Vest in Distress". And i did receive my fleeting moment of notoriety. Here's proof.)
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