Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Meyer and the Golden Dome; Clausen Sucker Punched

The rumor mill is up and running again.

Florida head coach Urban Meyer is quickly dispelling any rumors that he is leaving Gainesville for South Bend.

I can see Meyer leaving for Notre Dame. If Florida wins the National Championship that would give the Gators three National Championships within the last four years. Wouldn't that be enough to compel anyone to stay where they're at?

Not necessarily.

Ponder this: Tim Tebow will be gone. Brandon Spikes will be gone. Besides, what more could Meyer accomplish at Florida escpecially if the Gators do win that third National Championship in four years? Meyer has spent time in South Bend, so he knows the landscape, both geographically and athletically. But could it be Notre Dame's academic standards that keeps him in Gainesville?

Silly to suggest that, I know. Or is it? All those "higher" standards do is present a greater challange to Meyer. And throw this into the mix.

Connecticut v Notre Dame Let's say Charlie Weis is let go and Urban Meyer does accept the job. What will become of Jimmy Clausen? Does he leave early for the NFL or does he stay for his senior year and get the chance to work with and learn from Meyer? Clausen would have an exceptionally hard decision to make.

And speaking of Clausen...You're out with your family having a meal and someone comes up and sucker punches you in the eye. An irate fan is alledged to have not only hit Clausen, but had some words for Clausen and a female attending the family get together at a South Bend establishment.

And to that "fan", I say...Get a grip. And I also say...Get a life. Just because the Irish have no met your (or Lou Holtz's) expectations gives you no right to hit any member of the team.

One last thing. You're not a fan. A fan would support his/her team no matter what the circumstances are.

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